How To Stay Productive During The Summer Slump

Whether you are a lifelong employee or a college-age intern, chances are you have sometimes found yourself daydreaming about vacation instead of staying productive at work this summer. There is a name for this phenomenon: the summer slump, brought about by melting temperatures outside, freezing temperatures in the office, plenty of summertime distractions and a burning desire to drop all tasks at hand.

If you are a victim, rest assured that you are not alone. An infographic produced by the virtual phone system for entrepreneurs Grasshopper shows that a quarter of office workers across the country feel unproductive during the summer. And this month the slump has been especially difficult for avid Pokémon GOers who happen to work close to PokéStops and who want anything but to be chained to a desk during the day. In fact, the game’s pull is so strong that a group of Forbes employees recently roamed office grounds in search of a wild Bulbasaur.

Here at Forbes, nevertheless, we have teamed up with productivity expert David Allen, author of the popular book Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, and put together a few tips for staying productive during the summer in spite of the heat, the lull, and the irresistibility of Pokémon GO.

1. Work at an optimal temperature.

The summer weather is a primary reason you find it so hard to focus in this season. Too hot, and any grasp of productivity starts to wither and waste away. Too cold, and the air conditioning can take you out on a sick leave. Setting the right temperature at work can induce greater productivity, but it is a narrow margin to navigate. The United States Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety & Health Administration recommends a temperature range of 68°F to 76°F. Above 76°F, productivity starts to decline, while below 68°F, discomfort and the error rate become increasingly acute.

Most offices do a good job at keeping cool temperatures, but much too often comfortably cool becomes bitingly cold, especially if you are a female employee sporting your summer wardrobe. According to a study published in Nature, indoor temperature regulations are based on a thermal comfort model designed in the 1960s, which uses the average male metabolic rate and which overestimates the corresponding female rate by 35%. So there is a biophysical reason to explain why females are more likely to experience discomfort in a cold office setting. In other words, if you hold any sway over the office temperature, make sure to take both men and women into account. Or better yet, scientists are proposing individualized temperature controls that might become the future norm.

2. Tidy up.

“You are not going to be able to focus on the future if the past has got you by the throat,” said Allen, who believes that a holistic model for productive change has to start with tidying up your past. This can come in the form of unlearning bad habits, eliminating distractions, or even physically organizing your life, and summertime creates a relaxing atmosphere for taking these steps.

A great first move can be to introduce order into your life, especially if your workspace is a mess. Plenty of books have been written on the topic of physical organization, and you can pick up any of them to help guide your master cleaning and organizing plan. A popular one to consider is Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, which became a bestseller in the U.S. when it was translated from Japanese into English in 2014. Kondo is an organizing consultant and lifestyle expert in Japan who helps her clients declutter their homes using her “KonMari” method. According to her website, “belongings are acknowledged for their service and thanked before being discarded, if they no longer spark joy.”

Beyond the physical level, “KonMari” is also a philosophy that can be applied to other aspects of your life. Keep only the components that make you happy and change the ones that do not “spark joy.” So if Pokémon Go is in the joy category, then continue playing the game — just recognize that you (hopefully) enjoy other things in your well-rounded life as well.

3. Exercise.

A popular quote on social media says, “Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do, not a punishment for what you ate.” There is no doubt that you are familiar with the physical benefits of exercise, but studies indicate that it can also improve your mental capacity, including better concentration, sharper memory and faster learning.

Maybe it’s not the best idea to go running outdoors in the boiling summer heat, but now is your time to sign up for a gym membership, participate in a group exercise class or hit the pool. If your office has a gym, use it. A study published in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management shows that employees at companies with gym access manage their time better and feel more productive on the days when they go to the gym. And if you dislike the monotony of running on a treadmill, there are other options such as Zumba, Pilates, yoga, kickboxing, cycling and so on. In fact, exercising in a group setting can give you a fun and social experience and help you commit to physical activity.

Do you still have trouble getting started because your work schedule is too busy? A Harvard Business Review article goes so far as to recommending that you reframe exercise as part of your job. Using this perspective, you are now obliged to work exercise into your schedule.

4. Set your goals for the future.

Now that you are mentally organized, physically ready and working at a comfortable temperature, take advantage of the summer lull to figure out your goals for the upcoming months.

“Unhook from the minute-to-minute, day-to-day franticness and give yourself some space,” Allen advises. “Lift your head up and look at the longer horizon. What would you like to have accomplished? What do you want your life to look like a year from now, or even five years from now?”

The office might be particularly empty and quiet because many of your colleagues are on vacation, which gives you the chance to get a head start on planning. Allen recommends keeping a notepad by your side at all times to jot down ideas and goals when they come to you. He believes that work and play are two sides of the same coin, especially for the millennial generation. So if your work seems like the polar opposite of play, maybe it is time to reevaluate your path and plan for meaningful changes.

And once you define the outcomes, Allen said, choose what actions you want to take for each one of them. “Look at your list of goals regularly and move on the ones that ring your bell,” he recommended.

5. Take time for yourself.

“Work hard, play hard” means the harder you work, the more fun you deserve to have. Summer is prime time to make the best of your unused vacation days — just remember to have a notepad with you on the beach for brilliant ideas, Allen said. But since office work does not give you the same three-month-long summer vacations that school once did, it is more likely that you are procrastinating at the moment and reading this article at your desk. Or maybe you gave up the chance to relax and travel the world by signing up for a summer internship.

But you do not have to be on a faraway island to make time for yourself. An evening stroll through the park or a weekend hike can be just as rejuvenating, if you consciously choose to unwind. Try meditation if you want to practice mindfulness. Organize barbecues with family and friends if you yearn for a more social setting. And when your work schedule is not as hectic, pursue the activities that you have been meaning to try for a while.

Whichever way you choose, Forbes wishes you a happier and more relaxed mood that will last you through the summer — so by the time you put on your autumn jacket, you will be ready to go and proud of a summer well spent.

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