11th GreeceJS Meetup, Tuesday Dec 15, 2015 at InnovAthens

Our 11th meetup is imminent! Mark your calendars: Dec 15 at Innovathens, for some great talks and lots of networking over pizza and beer graciously provided by our sponsor for this event, SourceLair. RSVP at the meetup.com event page!

18:00 – 18:45
Networking, pizza and beer.

18:45 – 19:15
Introduction to React and its ecosystem
Nikos Gereoudakis, Full Stack Engineer @CitrusByte

19:25 – 19:55
ExtJS, Javascript in the Enterprise
Konstantinos Kokordelis, Software Engineer @PDS

Dimos Mantas, Software Architect @PDS

Elias Niaos, Senior Software Engineer @PDS

20:05 – 20:15
A message from our sponsor: SourceLair

20:20 – 20:50
Building an in-browser IDE with JavaScript
Paris Karidiaris, CEO @SourceLair

Thanasis Daglis, Software Engineer @SourceLair

InnovAthens (Pireos 100, Athens, 118 54)

Link fro More Info:
www.greecejs.org http://www.meetup.com/GreeceJS/